Tutor in Abbotsford
Personalized Tutoring for Students in the Fraser Valley
For 20 years, we have provided comprehensive educational programs, tailored to the individual needs and learning styles of every student. Over 1000 students have passed through our doors, each leaving with a high degree of self-confidence and ready to take on the next challenge!
Meet our founder
A graduate from the University of Alberta, Linda Scharf holds a 4 year Bachelor of Education Degree with a 4 year major in Special Education. She is permanently certified, with over 30 years of teaching experience, over 20 of these as the owner of Northern Lights Learning Center. Northern Lights Learning Center is also an avid supporter of non-profit initiatives throughout the community.
Highlights of Northern Lights Learning Center
I started my son, Wyatt with Northern Lights Learning Center in May of 2005. He was reading at a Kindergarten level and he was just about to finish Grade 2 in school. I can’t thank Linda enough for what she did for my son. The tutoring didn’t just help him academically; it helped him have way confidence in life…
My daughter Alex went to Linda with a grade 3 reading level and after only 1 year was at or near at a grade 10 level where she should be. Linda has done a great job in helping and teaching Alex the great benefits of enjoying a good book. I myself was very impressed with the skills and commitment Linda gives to her students. If you are thinking of having Linda tutor your child I am certain you would not be disappointed…
Justin was never very interested in homework or school but going to Mrs. Scharf’s was more like a treat; she has the ability to hold his interest and keep him focused. He has become much more confident; all his classes have improved tremendously.
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