Northern Lights Learning Centre Students Abbotsford

Tutor in Abbotsford

Personalized Tutoring for Students in the Fraser Valley

For 20 years, we have provided comprehensive educational programs, tailored to the individual needs and learning styles of every student. Over 1000 students have passed through our doors, each leaving with a high degree of self-confidence and ready to take on the next challenge!

Meet our founder

A graduate from the University of Alberta, Linda Scharf holds a 4 year Bachelor of Education Degree with a 4 year major in Special Education. She is permanently certified, with over 30 years of teaching experience, over 20 of these as the owner of Northern Lights Learning Center. Northern Lights Learning Center is also an avid supporter of non-profit initiatives throughout the community.

Highlights of Northern Lights Learning Center

Years in the Education Industry
Confident students
Years of Teaching Experience
Smiling Parents

Exciting and Encouraging Moments


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Strategies for Overcoming Test Anxiety

Test anxiety affects both students and professionals, causing physical symptoms like rapid heart rate and mental challenges such as trouble concentrating. Overcoming this anxiety is crucial for better performance and overall well-being. At Northern Lights Learning Center, we encourage students to focus on preparation techniques that not only boost knowledge but also enhance confidence. That […]

How Tutoring Builds Organizational Skills

Tutoring significantly benefits students by enhancing essential organizational skills necessary for academic success and daily life. With guidance from a certified teacher, students learn to manage their time, set goals, and organize materials effectively. At Northern Lights Learning Center, our certified teachers help students master subjects while encouraging self-sufficiency for lasting success. That is why […]

The Impact of Tutoring on Improving Math Proficiency

Mathematics is a fundamental skill that influences academic success and everyday life; however, many students struggle with math, often finding it abstract and challenging. This struggle can lead to frustration and a lack of confidence, further complicating their ability to succeed in the subject. At Northern Lights Learning Center, we understand the impact tutoring has […]